Dr Brandon Gien

Good Design Australia, 創辦人及行政總裁, 澳洲

Gien為Good Design Australia的創辦人及行政總裁,同時亦為Australia’s Good Design Award的主席。自2015年,Gien便就任World Design Organization(WDO,前身為International Council of Societies of Industrial Design)的參議員,他亦是WDO自1957年成立以來首位澳洲藉人士擔任此職。


此外,他共同創辦了World Design Impact Prize,以表彰對社會、經濟、文化以及環境等方面有助改善生活質量的工業設計項目。

Not to be used without photographer's written permission. All rights reserved.

Dr Brandon Gien

Good Design Australia, 創辦人及行政總裁, 澳洲

Speaker Sessions

2020年12月01日, 18:00 給亞洲設計論壇 第二節:體驗設計(Experience Design)

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Images courtesy of Good Design Australia

Images courtesy of Good Design Australia

Images courtesy of Good Design Australia

Images courtesy of Good Design Australia

Images courtesy of Good Design Australia

Images courtesy of Good Design Australia

Images courtesy of Good Design Australia

Images courtesy of Good Design Australia

Images courtesy of Good Design Australia