陳有運 Lumos Helmet, 共同創辦人及行政總裁, 香港 Eu-wen Ding是Lumos共同創辦人。有感於不少波士頓市民與他一樣,每次騎單車時需要經過安裝車燈、反光板和穿上反光衣的繁複步驟。 他深感應該有更好方法,於是研發深受全球單車使用者歡迎的Lumos頭盔,並透過Kickstarter眾籌;這項產品至今仍然是該平台最大規模的單車頭盔眾籌項目。 Share #Brands #Innovation #Product #Sustainability 陳有運 Lumos Helmet, 共同創辦人及行政總裁, 香港
Portfolio Previous The new Lumos Matrix in glossy white The Matrix with lights on (front and back) The original Lumos Kickstart helmet Rider using built-in turn signal on helmet to help clarify his hand signal. The new Lumos Matrix in matte black The new Lumos Matrix in glossy white The Matrix with lights on (front and back) The original Lumos Kickstart helmet Rider using built-in turn signal on helmet to help clarify his hand signal. The new Lumos Matrix in matte black The new Lumos Matrix in glossy white The Matrix with lights on (front and back) The original Lumos Kickstart helmet Rider using built-in turn signal on helmet to help clarify his hand signal. Next
News Coverage 2019年10月10日 Why Smart Bike Helmets Are (Probably) Safer 2019年10月10日 Apple now sells a smart bike helmet with an LED turn signal 2019年10月09日 Lumos Raises Expectations for Smart Bike Helmets