Chris Cheung Hon Him

Founder / Creative Director, XCEPT, HK

Chris Cheung Hon Him (artist name: h0nh1m; b.1983) is an artist known for installation art and audiovisual performance whose artistic expression depends upon electronic, sound, image and creative technology in New Media.


He founded XCEPT studio (previously XEX) and XCEED in 2008, the collective works have been showcased worldwide and the creations won him awards globally.

Chris Cheung Hon Him

Founder / Creative Director, XCEPT, HK

Speaker Sessions

Saturday, 05 Dec, 13:30 Design x Art x Tech: Stroke of Human Touch

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Saturday, 05 Dec, 16:30 Beyond the Fourth Wall: Live Events Redefined

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Saturday, 05 Dec, 12:30 Team Up with AI

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In celebration of the 90th anniversary of Chow Tai Fook, XCEPT team presents the Chow Tai Took Brand Hall - Aurifer in Time Ⓒ XCEPT

In celebration of the 90th anniversary of Chow Tai Fook, XCEPT team presents the Chow Tai Took Brand Hall - Aurifer in Time Ⓒ XCEPT

To bring the brand’s mastery into light, XCEPT presents Panaxia, an immersive art installation unfolding the brand spirit Ⓒ XCEPT

Prismverse is inspired by light rays travelling in a diamond. Prism is a medium for carrying light and -verse represents the dimension of space and time Ⓒ XCEPT